The Benefits of a Structured Walk: first blog post image

The Benefits of a Structured Walk

Elizabeth Anderson

What is a structured walk? When your dog is walking comfortably by your side, providing eye contact as a way of "checking in” during a walk. You as the handler take control and dictate the pace and destination of the walk. Structured walks provide guidance for your dog, and even promote mental stimulation! This training tool is great for beginner and experienced dog owners, as it just takes a little patience and practice to master. If your dog is reactive to certain triggers or lacks confidence in new environments, a structured walk will bring even more benefit than exercise alone. Next time you want to take your furry friend on a walk, give a structured walk a try and see the benefits for yourself!

A Structured Walk is Mentally Stimulating

A structured walk provides both physical and mental exercise. Most people think about the physical side of exercise when it comes time to burn off some of your dog's energy. But, the mental stimulation that comes along with exercise is equally, if not more vital to your furry friend. What is mental stimulation in dogs? Any activity that forces your dog to think.

A mentally stimulating activity for a dog can be even more exhausting than going on an ordinary (unstructured) walk. Unstructured walks are the type of walk where your dog is in control. They decide when they are going to sniff a mailbox or a tree. They decide where they want to go and at what pace. This is great from time to time, but it's lacking one integral aspect that is key to your relationship with your dog: Leadership. A structured walk will come naturally when you establish leadership. The Benefits of a Structured Walk: second blog post image

Provide Leadership while Walking your Dog

A structured walk requires you to lead and guide your dog. Dogs need leaders. Whether it be a leader in their pack or their owner, dogs look for an authority figure. To your dog, a leader is someone who provides safety, structure, and guidance. Providing your dog with a structured walk is going to do just that. You become the leader! A structured walk encourages your dog to turn to you before making decisions. This takes the pressure of decision-making off of your dog.

Your dog must follow YOUR rules on a structured walk. If your dog sees a trigger, such as a squirrel running up a tree, or an off-leash dog playing fetch, you can redirect their attention. Do this by applying leash pressure to offer guidance away from the trigger. By your dog focusing on you rather than the environment around them, they are putting a lot of energy into pleasing you and staying on task. This along with the physical aspect of walking is going to wear your dog out! A structured walk is a great way to reinforce a calm environment while building confidence and leadership in your and your dog's relationship.

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