The Fundamentals of Dog Obedience Training: first blog post image

The Fundamentals of Dog Obedience Training

Elizabeth Anderson

Basic obedience training is a great starting point for both new and seasoned dog owners. Obedience training involves teaching commands such as "Sit, stay, come, heel." These commands may seem simple, but they can be the difference between safety and danger in certain situations.

Once your dog has mastered the basic commands, you can venture into more challenging tasks such as place, and recall. Eventually you can use both of these commands in more distracting environments. From puppies, to rescue dogs, most dog owners dream of having a well-behaved furry friend. Having a well-trained dog not only enables them to be great companions but also helps keep them safe and happy. Practice basic obedience training with your dog to build a strong coexisting relationship.

Where to Begin with Basic Obedience Training

Setting expectations is a crucial step in basic obedience training. Your dog is always going to be testing boundaries, seeing what they can and cannot get away with. Setting clear expectations from the start will help guide your dog out of that mindset, as they instinctively have a desire to please. Next is step two: introducing commands. Ask your dog to complete a task, demonstrate or manipulate their movement to mimic the desired task, and mark and reward upon completion. They may take a few tries to understand the task, but once there's an understanding, it will be easier to mark and reward and eventually master the command.

The third step is timing. Recognize when your dog has had enough. If they are disengaged, they are not in the ideal mindset to learn. Save the training session for when your dog is alert and responsive. And the last step is positive reinforcement. Reward your dog for their good behavior, rather than punishing them for unwanted behavior. Not providing a treat for an unwanted behavior, and directing them again to demonstrate a more desired behavior is a great form of correction. Following these four steps will help set your dog up for success during basic obedience training. The Fundamentals of Dog Obedience Training: second blog post image

Where to Practice Dog Training Techniques

A great way to grow your dog's obedience capabilities is by practicing basic obedience training in a less familiar environment. This will really put your training to the test! By following the 4 D's: Distance, Duration, Distraction, and Difficulty; you can solidify your dog's newly learned skills no matter the environment. This will not only give your dog more freedom but also provide a sense of trust between you and your dog. Try practicing the 4 D's while using the app Geopet by finding local parks and trails where you can practice your dog's obedience skills in new settings! And remember, consistent basic obedience training is the key to building a strong bond between you and your furry friend.

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